Have fun. Make a difference. Volunteer.

We need everyone's help to create a more inclusive tech future for students! (Even if you don't have a tech background!) For corporate volunteering please email us at volunteer@codeday.org.

Hear why Susan, Senior Software Developer at State Farm, volunteers:

We're looking for pre-event volunteers to help with organization, as well as day-of volunteers, mentors, speakers, and judges.
General Volunteers
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CodeDay is a 24-hour tech event that gets diverse students to start coding. Over 70% of attendees with no prior experience continue programming after.
We're looking for judges and mentors to help students have a great and successful weekend.
If you're interested, register at www.codeday.org/volunteer, or reply to this email with your desired position.
(Insert date and location of your sponsored event.)

Low Commitment: Judging

CodeDay judges get to talk to student teams 1-1 and try their apps and games, watch student presentations, and then present several awards based on creativity, effort, and polish. It's a low-pressure way to meet students in the community.
Time: Sunday of the event, from 9 am through noon.
Requirements: None
Training: We send judges a one-page guide the week before the event and brief them when they arrive. No additional training is needed.

Medium Commitment: Mentoring

Mentors help students create apps and games. They patrol an assigned section of the event, looking for students experiencing problems. Students need help with higher-level problems -- more "how should I approach this problem" and less "how do I use this particular technology."
Time: Saturday of the event; two-hour shifts starting at 2 pm.
Requirements: Technical, design, or product management job role or background.
Training: We request that first-time mentors join a one-hour training call in the two weeks before the event.
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CodeDay Labs
Our biggest need is project mentors at ~2 hours a week for 1-3 months. We're also looking for speakers/workshop hosts and volunteers to host practice interviews and provide resume feedback.
Online volunteer opportunity.
Career Advisors
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We're looking for people who can provide resume feedback or host practice interviews with a few students each month.
Online volunteer opportunity.
Career Advisors
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CodeDay is a non-profit providing welcoming and diverse opportunities for under-served students to explore a future in tech. It has a community of more than 50,000 students, and many need help preparing for their first interview/job search.
We're looking for career advisor mentors to provide online resume and interview help. Developers, HR, or anyone else involved in dev interview loops are requested to sign up.
Review Resumes (lowest commitment)
Sign up to receive a limited number of student resumes by email each month, and reply with your feedback whenever your time allows.
Host Practice Interviews
Sign up to host a small number of practice interviews (technical and/or behavioral). The minimum commitment is only one per month, and can be scheduled around your calendar.